With the admission of one haughty and spoiled young lady, the establishment is turned on its head, pitting the Head Master and his newest charge against each other in a battle of stubborn and fiery wills. The stakes are high. The winner retains control. The loser must surrender to a life of total submission and slavery.
In the absence of her husband, who is serving in the Confederacy, the Mistress of Greenbrier takes matters into her own cruel hands as Union Troops mount her doorstep. Though more than up for the task, she soon discovers it’s not going to be that easy. War, passions, and treason drive the household towards a bullet-riddled future from which not all will escape.
What was meant as an escape from the US Civil War, quickly descends into a series of new lessons in humility and submission. But, classes are cut short when one of the teachers is taken captive by a former member of the Chateau’s staff who plans on selling her to the highest bidder. Can the Mistress be rescued in time or will she live out her final days a White slave?